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Bachelor of Arts with a mention in Painting

University of Chile - 1989


Scholarship at the ARAUCO Academy, from the prominent realist painter Guillermo Muñoz Vera, Chinchón - Spain - 2009


"Iberoamerican Strokes" 

-Jadite  Galleries - Manhattan, New York - March 2007


“Juvenalia 91 Meeting with Ibero-America” - Madrid -Spain - December 1991




- Portrait in oil of Mrs. Marta Cruz-Coke, first woman Director of the National Library of Chile.



- Oil portrait of the priest Jorge Falch,

   Pontifical Major Seminary, Archdiocese of Santiago.

- Institutional painting of the  SECST Educational Foundation.

- Institutional painting of the Infotechnologies Area of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile.



- Portrait in oil of the priest Maximino Arias, Pontifical Major Seminary, Archdiocese of Santiago.



- Mural painting for the altar of the María Madre de La Esperanza Chapel, La Granja, commissioned by the parish priest Pablo Palma.

- Portrait in oil of Cardinal Carlos Oviedo Cavada, Archbishopric of Santiago.

- Oil portrait of Mr. Alfonso Orueta, in charge of the National Firefighters Board of Chile

- Mural Painting for the offices of the Infotechnologies Area of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile.



- Portrait in oil of the priest Juan de Castro, Pontifical Major Seminary, Archdiocese of Santiago.

- Mural Painting for the terrace of the Infotechnologies Area of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile. (in progress)

- Mural painting for the altar of the San Alberto Hurtado Chapel, Maipú, commissioned by the parish priest Jorge Solís.



- Oil portrait of Mr. Ricardo Bazán, commissioned by the National Firefighters Board of Chile.

- Mural Painting for the Oratory of the Sta. Clara Parish, La Cisterna, commissioned by the parish priest Elías Hidalgo.



- Painting for the altar of the Parish of La Transfiguración, Antofagasta, commissioned by the parish priest Mauricio Valdivia

- Graphite portrait of the scientist Igor Saavedra, commissioned by the Dean of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences for the inauguration of the Igor Saavedra Room of said Faculty.


-  Oil portrait of Mr. Octavio Hinzpeter (1930-2017), commissioned by the National Board of Firefighters

- Portrait in oil of Mr. César Sánchez, Ñuñoa Fire Department

- Portrait in oil of Cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz, Archbishopric of Santiago.


- Portraits with walnut extract washes, Mr. José Rosenberg and Mrs. Gloria Sanguinetti, founder of Empresas Rosen

- Portraits oil painting of Mr. Miguel Reyes, President of the National Firefighters Board of Chile. 


- VIA CRUCIS, commission of 14 paintings of the Via Crucis for the temple of the Parroquia Sta. Teresa de Los Andes, Pte. Alto.

- Portrait of Mrs. Mirtha Pérez de Aldea.


- Commissioned portraits Carabineros Cultural Center

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